
tHermoCEUTICAL has researched the optimization of
skin homeostasis to maintain healthy skin.
Temperature of 31°C

When skin problems occur, the skin generates excessive heat energy, creating an environment that promotes inflammatory responses in damaged and surrounding cells. tHermoCEUTICAL helps reduce elevated heat energy by promoting metabolism, aiding in rapid recovery through the regeneration process. Due to stimuli such as UV rays, reactive oxygen species, and DNA mutations from natural aging, the frequency of inflammation caused by heat energy continues to rise. tHermoCEUTICAL optimizes the balancing of energy to protect and enhance the health and beauty of the skin.

피부의 정상 온도

Skin's Innate Healthy Solution,
tHermoCEUTICAL's Promises

tHermoCEUTICAL is responsible for all the steps needed for a
customer’s skincare, from the 'professional treatment’ to the ‘home care’ products

  • Pre-Treatment Care
  • The best skin condition
    before the procedure
  • Doctor Treatment
  • Elaborate and delicate
    improvement of skin problems
  • Home Care
  • Time for yourself to improve the
    results of the procedure
  • Doctor Management
  • Recover lost skin balance
    and condition
피부의 정상 온도
  • A very safe formula with safe ingredients
  • Only products that have passed the test in harsh conditions are produced so that they can be used safely even on sensitive skin.
피부의 정상 온도
  • The effectiveness lives up to customer's expectations
  • To provide the effect and satisfaction to meet the expectations of the customers, we launch the product after testing by dermatologists and professionals.
피부의 정상 온도
  • A simple and comfortable way to use on the skin
  • We only suggest products that are most effective for the skin and essential for the skin to breathe.
피부의 정상 온도
  • Science-proven formula
  • tHermoCEUTICAL not only contains natural extracts but also develops products by mixing medical ingredients that have been proven scientifically to deliver the best result on your skin.
피부의 정상 온도
  • Long experience and know-how as a skin specialist
  • tHermoCEUTICAL is completed with the advice and know-how of a medical specialist.
피부의 정상 온도
  • Clinically proven value
  • Provide safe and effective products with objectivity, accuracy, and fairness by conducting human clinical tests at KFDA-designated institutions.