tHermoCEUTICAL has researched the optimization of
skin homeostasis to maintain healthy skin.
Temperature of 31°C
When skin problems occur, the skin generates excessive heat energy, creating an environment that promotes inflammatory responses in damaged and surrounding cells. tHermoCEUTICAL helps reduce elevated heat energy by promoting metabolism, aiding in rapid recovery through the regeneration process. Due to stimuli such as UV rays, reactive oxygen species, and DNA mutations from natural aging, the frequency of inflammation caused by heat energy continues to rise. tHermoCEUTICAL optimizes the balancing of energy to protect and enhance the health and beauty of the skin.
Skin's Innate Healthy Solution,
tHermoCEUTICAL's Promises
tHermoCEUTICAL is responsible for all the steps needed for a
customer’s skincare, from the 'professional treatment’ to the ‘home care’ products